General relativity I  

LEARNING OUTCOMES You will learn the physical and mathematical structure of the theory of general relativity. You will learn how to do calculations in general relativity, including how to find the precession of the orbit of Mercury and the bending of light by the Sun. CONTENT Chapter 1: review of symmetries in Newtonian mechanics, review of special relativity from the spacetime point of view, relativity principle in Newtonian mechanics and special relativity, electrodynamics in special relativity Chapter 2: the equivalence principle, manifolds, tensors, the metric Chapter 3: covariant derivative and connection, parallel transport, geodesics, curvature, Riemann tensor Chapter 4: Einstein equation, Newtonian limit Chapter 5: The Schwarzschild solution, precession of the perihelion of Mercury, bending of light by the Sun
General relativity I

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